Tuesday, April 22, 2008

two (tuesday)

So I survived day one. Hunger wasn't too bad at all. I had more cravings for the taste of things than the actual desire to eat. It's a bit labor intensive, this regimen. Lucky I don't have anything else to do all week.

I've now had four enemas. Interesting, this last one. I think I've made some progress in the descending colon. When I first started to go, all that came out was clear water. Then there was a pause, and then round two brought the normal dirty, murky stuff that I'm used to. I'm still passing some solid pieces, although I can't get a good look at them. The smell has gotten markedly less drastic too. So that is good.

Although this picture doesn't really show it too well, there is a pretty decent white coat on my tongue. It's common for the tongue coating to get thicker during a cleanse, and then dissipate.

One thing is for sure, my sinuses feel a lot different already. I haven't used the neti pot in a couple weeks. I was getting morning stuffiness, congestion headaches, and some sneezing (the sneezing, sadly, could simply indicate that I haven't been around any real plants in a while...). Now, my sinuses feel more clear, still some stuffiness in the morning, but it is very loose and easily removed.

Mentally I feel clear, and alert. Yesterday I felt the same way, and then I tapered off in the evening to become drowsy and indifferent; I'm sure Rebecca will corroborate that.

I have a lot of little proects I'd like to attend to this week. But the temptation of surfing the internet and watching movies is very strong. We'll see what actually gets done...