Monday, April 21, 2008

one (monday)

The first day is underway. I've already got two enemas under my belt (so to speak...) and I think I'm getting the hang of this routine. It's a good thing I have nothing to do this week that really requires getting out of the house, since I feel like it's always time to whip up some sort of drink, or I have to poop.

To prepare for this cleanse, Saturday and Sunday I adhered to a diet of fruits, fruit juices, steamed vegetables, and a little plain oatmeal and brown rice. This simple diet is recommended for a week to prevent cleansing reactions, but since I eat pretty clean foods anyway, I fast tracked it a little.

The first enema was last night, a sort of initiation ritual into cleansing mode. What a beautiful way to end a weekend. I only filled the bag half way, figured I'd go easy on myself the first time. Whoa. That's a big half. When the water's in, I feel that vague fullness, and some radiating cool tingling down my legs and in my adbomen. It's wild.

I had a BM yesterday, but the enema chased out some lingering hooligans. It was pretty disgusting, but pretty satisfying at the same time. I'm trying to get a good look at what comes out, but all I could see was a brown murky toilet bowl. I know there were some pretty good sized nuggets in there though; when I flushed, some of them peeked out of the surface for a moment.

I'll be photgraphing my tongue every morning at 6am. It will be interesting to see how the coating changes, if at all. This morning looks like my normal tongue, kinda dusky, yellowish in the rear, with a redder tip.

This morning I gave myself a full bag enema. Hell yea. There wasn't much to look at though, just a turbid brown toilet bowl, and some paltry scraps. The amount of fecal matter wasn't impressive, but the smell was like rotting fruit. I'll be glad to get that business out of my system!

I have a suspicion that right now I am removing some superficial layers, hence the cloudy water and big smells. Maybe by Wednesday I'll be into the mucoid plaque?

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